The Zero Honeycomb



Construction completed Fall 2021, in New Jersey, the Zero Honeycomb was designed to meet Passive House Standards and is Net Zero energy. The design was a collaboration between Common Ecology and owner and sculptor Daniel Gantenbein. Passive to Positive served as Passive House Consultant.

energy + iaq:

The envelope is cellulose-insulated 10” ladder truss walls with an interior service cavity; cellulose-insulated roof; perlite-insulated slab; high-performance triple glaze windows; and exceeded Passive House standards for air leakage. A small wall-mount mini-split heats and cools with a wood stove back-up; includes whole house ERV and heat pump water heater.

materials + iaq:

No foam was used on the air-seal or insulation of this home; locally sourced and recyclable steel were used as siding and roof; natural and non-toxic materials used through-out.


Water efficient fixtures were installed, including dual-flush toilets, capture of condensate, rain cisterns will be installed for garden irrigation.


The site is a native, edible and restored landscape and sculpture garden.